Message from the Directorを更新しました(Jan 1,2025)。
Exploring the History of Medicine, Part 51: Florence, Part 31
Examination subjects
Internal medicine
Physical medicine
( Power-rehabilitation )
Health screening
Consultation hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday:
8:30 to 12:30, pm 3:00 to 6:00
8:30 to 12:30
Thursday afternoon: visiting examination
Thursdays, Sundays and holidays:
Phone 0466-31-0840
Tsujido 5-18-9, Fujisawa,
Kanagawa Pref.
Access & MAP(click here)
Parking lot (9)
Overall barrier free.
A wheelchair is equipped.
No smoking
Language: Japanese & English
Dr. Hajime Katagiri, M. D.
Our Clinic's Consultation Policy
1. Regarding Hats and Masks Upon Entering the Consultation Room
When entering the consultation room, please remove your hat and mask unless you are experiencing fever or other cold-like symptoms.
The consultation begins the moment you step into the room.
If patients wear hats or masks, it becomes difficult to observe their facial expressions, complexion, or skin condition.
Without being able to see your expressions, I cannot determine whether you understand my explanations.
Treatment cannot proceed effectively without the patient's
understanding and consent.
I also remove my mask during consultations to ensure clear
communication by showing my mouth movements and expressing
myself vividly for better explanations.
When accompanying persons participate in the consultation, they too should remove their hats and masks.
The attire and expressions of accompanying persons can provide
insights into the patient's family background and living conditions.
Moreover, if the accompanying person does not understand my explanation as well as or better than the patient, treatment is unlikely to succeed.
To assess their understanding, they also need to remove their masks.
Thus, any accompanying person who intends to speak during the consultation should remove their hat and mask, just like the patient.
However, if the accompanying person has fever or cold-like symptoms, they are exempt.
Ideally, accompanying persons with such symptoms should avoid
entering the consultation room altogether.
2. During Auscultation, Lift Your Clothes and Undergarments Completely
Auscultation is a diagnostic method where the physician listens to heart sounds, respiratory sounds, pleural friction sounds, and other
audio signals to determine the presence of disease.
Additionally, skin conditions such as rashes or shingles are visually
assessed during this process.
Proper auscultation cannot be performed if the stethoscope is slipped under the clothing or placed over clothes or underwear.
For accurate and efficient visual and auditory examination, patients of all genders are asked to cooperate.
I firmly believe that gender awareness is unnecessary between
doctors and patients for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
There is no distinction between male and female when it comes to
medical care.
3. Urine Tests for Patients with Suspected Internal Diseases
Urine tests are non-invasive (painless) examinations that provide
critical information such as glucose, protein, and blood in the urine.
They are indispensable for diagnosis and will always be performed when an internal medical condition is suspected.
However, urine tests are not conducted for trauma patients such as
those with cuts, bruises, or burns.
If you need further clarification or assistance, feel free to let us know!