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Exploring the History of Medicine, Part 51: Florence, Part 31
June 1, 2024
Uffizi Gallery
7. Hippocrates - Continued
Being dubbed as the "father of medicine," the name "Hippocrates" is widely used in medical terminology.
① Hippocratic face
The eyes and cheeks are sunken, the nose is pointed, and the skin of the face is hard and discolored.
This is the appearance of patients in critical condition, such as in advanced stage of cancer.
It does not mean a face resembling Hippocrates.
It is called so because Hippocrates first recorded the appearance of dying patients.
② Hippocratic nails
The enlarged and rounded nails.
They are called so because Hippocrates first discovered their relation to pulmonary diseases.
They are also known as "watch-glass nails" due to their shape resembling an inverted watch glass.
They are accompanied by "drumstick fingers" or “clubbed fingers,” where the fingertips swell like drumsticks or clubs.
It is believed to occur due to the deposition of mucopolysaccharides in the soft tissues at the tips of the fingers.
This condition is not only seen in pulmonary diseases like lung cancer, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis but also in conditions like heart failure and liver cirrhosis.
③ Hippocratic method
The method devised by Hippocrates for reducing shoulder dislocations and temporomandibular joint dislocations is called the Hippocratic method.